Music Ministry

We hope that these pages will help acquaint you with the music ministry of our parish. If you would like to know more about our work or how you may become involved, please do not hesitate to contact Jeffrey Ford, Organist and Choirmaster at


The Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is an ensemble of adult volunteers (20-24 singers) who provide the music for the 11:00 am Eucharist Service every Sunday.  They do a variety of music from hymn settings to the classic Anglican literature. Besides singing for the 11:00 am Eucharist during the year they are the choir for all the major Feast Days of the church year as well as three Choral Evensongs a year.

While music reading skills and previous experience are helpful, they are not a requirement for membership in the Chancel Choir.

The Canterbury Choir

The Canterbury Choir is composed of Staff Singers and volunteers that provide the music for the 9:00 am Family Eucharist. The Canterbury Choir does not hold a weekly rehearsal but rehearses on Sundays at 8:00 am in the Choir Room on the first floor of the Grelling-Spence Building.

Christ Church South Praise Team

The Christ Church South Praise Team exists to facilitate participation in the act of worshipping through singing together. We use contemporary instrumentation to connect multi-generational worshippers to the historical music of the church, and to introduce new music that is in line with the spirit and substance of what has come before

The Children's Choirs
In 2023 Susie Fergus began a Children's Choir for grades K-5. The children practice weekly and perform several times a season.

One Church | Two Campuses

Christ Church Downtown • Tyler, Texas
Meeting & Mailing Address
118 South Bois d’Arc • Tyler, Texas 75702

Phone: 903-597-9854

Christ Church South
Meeting Address
15747 Old Jacksonville Hwy • Tyler, Texas 75703

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