The Youth Ministry of Christ Church, Tyler, exists to encourage a community of students with a strong Christian foundation, empowering and equipping them to discern their place in God’s kingdom. All we do is purpose-driven to help our youth to grow as young people who know and follow Jesus.
The Jesus Studies series takes prominent topics from teens lives such as identity, stress, mean people, and tough times and
teaches what Jesus had to say about them. It is a series that will encourage our youth to be more Christ centered and really start asking,
how can I be a reflection of Jesus’ love and teachings in this moment?
Students will explore The Jesus Studies during Sunday morning formation classes this year.
Breakfast, fellowship, study, and prayer
EYC on Wednesday nights is open to middle schoolers and high schoolers and begins with a shared meal at 6:00pm on the 4th floor of the Downtown campus.
Jr/Sr Book Study [11th & 12th Grade]
2nd Monday of the Month | 6:30pm
Boards & Bites | 1851 Troup Hwy, Tyler
This small group allows us to have meaningful conversations and really dig into
the literature. This year we will be reading John Ortberg’s, The Me I Want to Be. The book focuses on how following God’s helps us flourish to be the best, truest versions of ourselves. We become more that person God had in mind when he created us. We are often told, just be yourself! What do you do if you don’t know who that person is? This book is a wonderful guide on how to start the journey of identity, with God’s help.
Our youth community is built around two age-specific groups for most programs, studies, activities, and trips. Youth currently in 5th – 8th grades are placed in Junior High E.Y.C. and all students in 9th-12th grade are considered part of Senior High E.Y.C. Students in these grades, as well as their friends, are welcome to join us for any and every activity, program, or trip offered in our youth community.
Wednesday night programming runs every Wednesday night throughout the school year (unless otherwise indicated on calendars and via email updates).
Middle School (5th-8th) and High School (9th-12th) meet at 6pm-7:30pm September-May for dinner, fun, a lesson, and prayer.
Location does change, please email to be placed on the weekly text message for EYC location.
Our Sunday morning program runs from 10:00-10:50 a.m. each Sunday throughout the school year at both our Downtown and South locations.
During the summer, at Christ Church Downtown, Sunday School begins at 9:00 a.m. with worship services following at 10:00 and 10:05 a.m. Downtown E.Y.C. groups meet on the 4th floor of the Grelling-Spence building for a light breakfast and fellowship. Christ Church South E.Y.C. groups meet in the youth classroom of the South Campus.