Parish Life

All baptized persons are called to ministry. We hope all members of Christ Church will find at least one area of ministry that will provide an outlet for this call. Christ Church offers many opportunities to serve in ministries of worship, prayer, fellowship, and service. We invite you to answer the call to ministry and participate in one of these ministries.


Prepares the altar for the celebration of Holy Eucharist, funerals, weddings, and other special services.

Daughters of the King is an Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church who take a lifetime vow to live by the Rule of Life which requires the spiritual discipline of daily prayer, service and evangelism. Our Order is a community of nurturing women, accepting all people, bridging differences and cherishing traditions. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our vision is to encourage and enable all to be reflections of God’s love, reaching out to spread his Kingdom.

All women of Christ Church are automatically members and through the church are members of ECW of the Diocese of Texas. Christ Church ECW holds luncheons with guest speakers, and is responsible for all church receptions. It also contributes to mission work, scholarships and diocesan ECW activities.

Assists the parish by preparing food for funerals. Guild’s acronym identifies the mission: Ladies Organized in Service and honors the memory of our late, faithful parish greeter, Lois McDonald.

Plans and hosts receptions for special occasions in the life of the parish.

Women’s Depth Group/St. Theresa’s Guild is a ministry that stretches across both Christ Church campuses and exists for the purpose of community, fellowship, and spiritual growth among the women of Christ Church. It provides a place for women to grow and serve in a vibrant community. Women’s Depth Group, which is a component of St. Theresa’s Guild, meets regularly. Contact Karen Courville

Provides a unique gift shop and book store, geared toward ecumenical items. The guild is manned by volunteers of ECW and all proceeds return to Christ Church for mission work and greater needs of the church.

Clergy-led class meets weekly during academic year.


Episcopal laymen dedicated to prayer, study, and service.

Group study of the Gospel lectionary reading for Sunday. Meets weekly.

A Bible Study for Men Meets Tuesdays during academic year at 8:00 am.

Starts June 8th 2022 Click here for more info!


Assists clergy in the celebration of worship. Minimum eligibility for service is 4th grade, based upon maturity.

Provides an advanced four year curriculum for those who seek a deeper understanding of the Bible, Anglican theology and the influence of philosophy and culture on Christianity. Through study, prayer, group discussions, and theological reflection, members journey toward discovering a personal understanding of the fullness of God’s kingdom as well as a broader confidence in their daily life as ministry.

Provides meals to parishioners who are in or just home from the hospital due to illness or the birth of a baby, to families in crisis, or when there is an on-going illness.

Assist Rector in greeting and welcoming family members in the Guild Hall in advance of funeral services.

Helps maintain the landscape plantings that grace our church. Green thumbs preferred, but not required.

Individuals and families blessed with the gift of hospitality who welcome visitors to our services.

Following Canon law, these trained volunteers provide communion to home-bound parishioners as a supplement to the clerical pastoral care.

Assists in worship, both in the Liturgy of the Word and Sacrament, serving as Intercessors, Lectors, Chalicers, Vergers, and Ushers.

Takes available books, cassettes, DVDs, etc. to satisfy the intellectual and spiritual curiosity of all persons, in order to support the mission of Christ Church and to undergird its teaching, preaching, and outreach.

Welcomes visitors and prospective members. Helps facilitate Christ Church 101 and hosts the Newcomers Dinners with the Rector.

Charged with the administration, maintenance, and development of the Columbarium and the Memorial Garden.

Music is an integral part of the life of Christ Church. Groups include: Staff singers with volunteers for the 9:00 Service, and Chancel Choir, along with Choir School of East Texas for the 11:00 Service. Opportunities for instrumentalists are always welcome.

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These small communities of friends gather in people’s homes during the week and are centered on fellowship, study/discussion, and prayer.

Members pray for the person who will receive the prayer shawl while they are knitting. These shawls are gifts which symbolize God’s love and presence and bring comfort to the wearer.

A fellowship of parishioners, who are over 50 and young at heart, gather together at church and other interesting places for fun, food, and fellowship. Events include game nights, covered dish suppers, dances, and trips to musicals, museums, and races. Find out more.

Food, fun and fellowship at Parishioners’ homes, monthly.

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Venite is for the “20-40 somethings” at Christ Church who are hoping to build relationships and get connected to other folks and families at Christ Church. Find out more.

One Church | Two Campuses

Christ Church Downtown • Tyler, Texas
Meeting & Mailing Address
118 South Bois d’Arc • Tyler, Texas 75702

Phone: 903-597-9854

Christ Church South
Meeting Address
15747 Old Jacksonville Hwy • Tyler, Texas 75703

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