In 2022, we are inviting the congregation to read the Bible in One Year.
New Year’s resolution suggestion: a resolution that also constitutes a challenge.
Read the Bible in One Year. Yes, for 2022, I am challenging you to resolve to read the entire Bible during the year. “What?” you say, “I tried that once before and came February, and the confusing offerings and sacrifices of Leviticus and skipped a day, and then two, then three, and pretty soon the Bible reading was finished for the year.”
This is a program that was developed by the folks at Holy Trinity Brompton in London, the people who run the ALPHA Course. This is a program that includes not only the daily readings for the year, but also commentary and prayer.
In my opinion, this is a program that can be sustained over the course of the year and will bring you closer to God. There are three versions of the program: Classic, Express, and Youth. The Classic version takes about 25 minutes to read and the other versions much less. There is an app that can be used on a cell phone.
Christ Church clergy will be participating, and Sunday Adult Formation on both Christ Church campuses will be based on the previous week’s readings.
Please consider making reading the Bible in one year your New Year’s resolution.
Blessings in Christ,
Fr. Ted+, Associate Rector of Christian Formation
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