Loaves and Fishes provides meals to the homeless, poor and working poor of Tyler.
This ministry, established over fifteen years ago, serves on average 75 meals each Thursday evening in the Undercroft. Four different teams of 8-10 Christ Church volunteers cook, serve, and clean every Thursday to provide this ministry.
With roots in this parish, this community service organization works to meet critical and basic human needs, with a special emphasis on emergency assistance for those in crisis. Christ Church donates money each year to PATH (People Attempting to Help) and several Christ Church members volunteer in PATH’s programs.
Sight.org gives sight to blind Africans that have little or no means to seek treatment, and select patients to empower in a program teaching modern agriculture. Supporting a holistic model, we bring a patient out of their village blind, and strive to return them as a contributing member of the community.
Contact information: The Rev. Dr. Matt Boulter, Member of the Board of Directors at mboulter@christchurchtyler.org or 903.944.8494 (cell).
Bethesda Health Clinic is a Christ-centered ministry with a bold mission: to provide affordable, high-quality care for those in need in Smith County, Texas.
Several Christ Church members participate in this ministry by delivering meals to the elderly and disabled of Tyler.
The Samaritan Counseling Center provides counseling for yourself or someone that you love.
The Salvation Army of Tyler is serious about “Doing the Most Good” through using the resources entrusted to them responsibly, and for God’s glory.