Director of Children's Ministries

Kimber Short is a cradle Texan Episcopalian having been baptized at St. Luke’s on the Lake in Austin, raised at St. Christopher’s in Houston and an active member of Christ Church since 1989. Some of her activities at Christ Church include many years teaching Sunday School, ECW, St. Teresa’s Guild and EFM. Kimber attended Texas A&M University where she earned a BS in sociology and went on to spend seven years at Child Protective Services working with abused children in Smith County. Kimber went on to volunteer at All Saints Episcopal School as a faith formation teacher, eventually being hired full time to teach faith formation from 4K through 8th grade. Currently, Kimber works part time at Sadie’s Stitchery and Parkway Wealth Management. Kimber loves to hike and kayak. She gardens and loves to read. She raised two daughters, Cameron and Kendall who were both Alpha Omega students at All Saints and she is married to the love of her life, Kevin Short.

See the Children’s Ministry page for a description of the many ways children are involved in the life of the parish.