Our Faith

Christ Church is a congregation within the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and the worldwide Anglican Communion, a global fellowship of eighty million Christians with a common theological tradition and history with the Church of England.

A Rich Tradition

We profess and hold to the historic Christian faith, rooted in trust in Christ Jesus as Lord, informed by the inspired teaching of the Bible, and summarized in the ancient belief statements of the Church – the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds.
Anglican churches are directly descended from the First Century Church of the Apostles. We worship using the Book of Common Prayer and accept Holy Baptism and the Holy Eucharist as the two essential sacraments of the Church. Anglicans acknowledge the Bible as the Word of God and interpret it in light of the Christian tradition and human reason.

One Church | Two Campuses

Christ Church Downtown • Tyler, Texas
Meeting & Mailing Address
118 South Bois d’Arc • Tyler, Texas 75702

Phone: 903-597-9854

Christ Church South
Meeting Address
15747 Old Jacksonville Hwy • Tyler, Texas 75703

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© 2021 Christ Church, Episcopal