Sunday School

It is our goal to create an environment where children can deepen their relationship with Christ through hands-on learning. We strive to create a safe and comfortable atmosphere for all ages and invite you to join us.

During the School Year, Sundays from 10am - 10:50am

On Sunday Mornings children age 4k thru 1st grade experience Godly Play. This curriculum offers a creative, child-honoring way of entering into and experiencing the biblical story. In Godly Play, we will play with the language of God and God’s People: our sacred stories, parables, liturgical actions and silence. Through this powerful language, through our wondering, through the community of players gathered together, we hear the deepest invitation of all: an invitation to come play with God. Children in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades will experience WHIRL a curriculm which will help them to grow spiritually developing their relationship with God, learn how to turn their faith into action, and more.  

Depending on the church calendar, the children become involved in high feast days by celebrating with a party or possibly making things that can be distributed to others within our parish and community. Vacation Bible School is always an adventure for the children. Our entire church community comes together to help with this week-long production so the children are able to meet new faces, as well as have a great time learning about Jesus.

Summer Sunday School

During the summer months (Memorial Day – Labor Day) children from 5yrs to 8th grade will gather together for Christ centered lessons, activities, fellowship and fun. Older children are invited to attend Adult formation with their parents.